Campaign Manager - Application Admin

Logon Management

To use the Logon Management section in Settings, an administrator must be logged into Campaign Manager with a System Administrator (system) account.

The pre-installed system Logon is created at an application level, which means on the multi-Client silo system, that user would see and be able to create Logons for all Clients on the system.

Each client database has their own single system administrator User and Logon. This is created as part of the client database creation process and can administer all Client Logons by default.


Logons are created and assigned to Users. Those credentials are used by Users to gain access to the application or administrative functions.

Default Logon

The following logon is created by default:

  • System: The logon credentials for the system administrator account.
Note: The 'system' User of the default Client Site is an overall system administrator account and not just an administrator account for the Client. Should subsequent Client Databases be created, the system Logon could be used to manage multiples of the client databases.
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